What is innovation?

 During my middle schooling, we were given robotics as a subject. Masha Innovation Center, which is run by the young, vibrant Indian inventor Masha Nazeem, who was born and brought up in Cape Comorin. She often had visits to our school. Whenever she arrives for the morning assembly, she always has a vibrant talk with us. Once she came in at noon, and our school management arranged for a session. We were very happy because our class tests were cancelled, and there won't be any classes after that. She asked us a question: What is innovation?. People gave different and unique answers. Then she explained it to us with a story. Let me narrate.

There was a soap manufacturing company. They manufactured good-quality soaps, and all of a sudden they got a complaint from the customers that some soap packets were just vacuum-filled and there was no soap inside the box. This issue went to the CEO, and the managers were asked to assemble for a meeting to solve the problem. After a long discussion, the company decided to invent a new machine that is used to avoid the problem of vacuum-filled packets without soap. They also designed the machine, and the designers group visited the manufacturing sector to set up a proper place for the machine. When they were in their discussion mode, the supervisor interacted with one of the people from the designer group, who explained to him about the issue and told him that they came to place the machine. The supervisor smiled at him and told him that there would be no need to place the machine that they designed because he himself had already solved the problem. The designer was shocked, but with a sarcastic smile, he questioned him about that. The supervisor said that he had placed a fan near the machine where the soap was getting out of the machine to be packed on the boxes. If the packet is vacuum, it would fly apart. 

After this story, even my mind transformed to use things in an innovative way and solve simple problems with what I have.


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