
 "Everyone get ready with the practical paper, form a line, and move to the lab without any noise "- the usual command from my chemistry mam. But I don't think that we moved along the line without making any noise on our way to the lab. We used to go to the first row, and after listening to our mam's explanation, we go to our respective places for the practical. And there begins the episode. Having non-blooded relations in the class, the lab is the place where we attack each other, complain, and tease. That was my first time trying titration, and I am the one who completed it last. My non-blooded were in the front row before me. One of them completed it very soon, and he had no job, so he started to disturb me. Already, I was in tension about not completing the practical, and this creature fueled me. In the titration, there is a procedure where we should suck the liquid with the help of a pipette. There were actually two kinds of pipettes in our lab. The model I used made it really hard to suck the liquid, and all the people standing there were using the same pipette that I had. At first, I tried so hard to get the correct level, and it ended with drinking the liquid. Someone was laughing, and I realized it was my chunk. Then somehow I got the exact amount and started my practical. My non-blooded were sitting simply, and when I was keen on my practical, they were like speaking with me about the blah blah stuff. During the time of finding the end point due to speaking with those human creatures, my end point exceeded the actual value. It should actually be a pale pink color, and mine was a kind of baby pink. When I showed it to my man and told her the value, she looked into my eye. I understood her language of looking into my eye, and immediately she asked which world you were in. I didn't answer her question because if I gave her the correct answer, she would surely kick me out of the lab. Meanwhile, my non-blood brothers were giggling. Feeling down, they understood my mindset and comforted me again with their dad jokes. But I never knew that they cheated on most of their practicals. If their value changes, they stop the practical when the liquid is pale pink, and if the value is higher, they add some potassium permanganate, and if the value is lower, they pour it into the bottle. I actually saw this the day before our public practical and couldn't control my laughter at that time. Seeing my laughter, they also explained the process for me to use it. Having those non-blooded brother's is a blessing. They never failed to make me laugh at my worst conditions, especially in the physics  and chemistry labs.


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