Is it addiction or admiration?

 After completing the 90 percent of procedures for the license, I was waiting with my dad in the shed. Near that shed, registration was going on. There was a grandfather who grasped my half of the attention. He was very old, but I was astonished by his taste for the vehicle. There were different colors and different models of two-wheelers. Most importantly, there was a BMW motorcycle where people were spinning around it. There was a car that grasped me and my dad's attention the next moment it entered the RTO office. We couldn't see it's symbol, and we guessed it might be a foreign company car. So my dad went to it, and finally it was an Indian brand car, and due to a sticker modulation, it seemed to us as a foreign brand four-wheeler. I couldn't starve for a long time, so we went outside and had tea there. As usual, I denied eating snacks and lunch from outside. After that, there was an entry of an Italian-branded motorcycle where we both were analyzing its structural framework, which is completely different from the Indian one. At last I went for taking the photograph and was even surprised by the method of signing on a touchpad. Moreover getting the license, I honestly admired many vehicles.


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