Confusion at every stage

 It was early in the morning dressing up in my favorite dress for my first government exam. I had done one percent of preparation and got ready for the examination. My dad came with me to the center, and I was allotted room no 5. I could feel how young I am at the examination. I could witness the determination of many people, especially a pregnant sister. As the classrooms were a little dusty, we cleaned them. I was yarning too much in the exam hall. It was the first time I didn't know anything about the procedures before and after the examination. The instructions were given by the invigilator, and the bell was given. Once I completed the exam, as a beginner, I must thank my invigilator because he helped me and another one who was struggling the same as me. I think we two were new to the exam because we were the two who depended on each and every step. At last, tallying the answers was the biggest task and more than the examination. The invigilator guided us, and somehow I completed it. Once the last bell was given, our answer sheets were collected, and I gave a bye to my benchmate sister and came out of the exam hall. As we were the students who came first, everyone was staring at us, and honestly, I got a little fear in me from their starring.



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