Priceless Hugs
I was assigned with a busy schedule of three weddings. In the morning, I had to attend a noolukettu ceremony, a function celebrated on the 28th day since the birth of the baby in the southernmost part of India. I was invited by my school friend, and I already had a wedding to attend. We waited, and Chunk told me that she was alone in the auditorium with her dad. Her dad had some duties, and when my non-blooded friend arrived at the auditorium, her dad left, and she stopped continuously calling me. I was having the traditional food, and she actually disturbed me three times. Once I completed my food, me and my dad went to take a car, but it was trapped by other cars. My area brother was asked to find the driver, and he went in search of them, and finally we found them. From there, me and my dad went like for an entrance examination. We reached the venue, and I saw my friend standing there. I climbed upstairs, which was actually covered by people like snow, but somehow I managed it. I went to a friend and explained what happened, but there was no sense of meeting her after five months. All of a sudden, she asked me, How are you? I told her I was fine. In return, she asked me, why are you fine? She is one of the three creatures in the world who used to ask me this question. At that moment, I realized that I had met her after months and hugged her tightly. Meanwhile, my non-blooded brother became a cameraman. He was very sincere and busy with his work, so even though he was at a distance of five meters, we made a call to him. Then our school friend picked us to his sister, to whose baby the ceremony was conducted. She was actually our senior, and I think I met her after seven years. Handing out gifts to her, we looked at the baby for a moment and then came outside for the photoshoot. Then we had a friendly fight there and went to have food. I already had food at the wedding, but again, I had food there. Then we said bye to the non-blooded, and we dropped my chunk at her home. Her dad invited us to the home, but due to our busy schedule, we said we would be coming on another day. Then, driving from there, we went to our aunt's home, which was near where the wedding function was conducted. I went inside the home and saw my niece driving the little car. I tapped her head, and the moment she turned for a second, she jumped from the mini car and hugged me tightly. She was the first of the next generation, and she will always be unique for her first grand entry. I usually became a kid when I joined the ultra-active kids in our home. Sometimes they don't even respect me because they think I am also like them. Playing them to the fullest, we departed from there, and yeah, I knew again in the evening that there were three weddings to attend. After thinking about this, I could conclude that it's been 8 days since I came to my native country, but I never had time here. Every day was scheduled in a busy way.
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